Let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us,
and direct the works of our hands to do good. Guide the works of our hands.
- Psalm 89
*This is not an active monastery. However visits may be arranged via the Contact Us page.
"Monasteries offer us a window into the unending liturgy which surrounds the throne of God. In the heavens the angelic host cry the Thrice Holy Hymn unceasingly and on earth the monastics, like earthly angels, pray day and night, not just for their own salvation, but for that of the entire world.”
- His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin, Diocese of the West
Please pray with us that God will provide a way for West of the Moon Ranch in SW Montana to become St. Peter's Monastery, a sequestered home for the prayer and worship of monastics and a source of spiritual strength and healing for faithful pilgrims and visitors.
“Let the walls of
Jerusalem be built.”
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart -
These, O God, You will not despise.” Psalm 51
Postings pertinent to St. Peter’s
Find here occasional posts relating to St. Peter’s Monastery and Camp developments, the Foundation’s annual reports to the Diocese, and prayers, homilies, images, and poems touching upon St. Matthew’s account of Peter’s walking to His Lord on the waves.
We offer a youth camp like none other.
St. Peter’s sponsors a popular youth camp every summer that enables young adults (ages 14-22) to grow in their faith while building a new monastery, learning basic construction skills, and making friends with other Orthodox Christians throughout the Northwest and beyond.
We give from what we have been given.
If you would like to be a part of this good work, please join us by praying that God will send the monastics He has prepared for this place and by contributing to St. Peter’s Monastery Foundation. Your gift will support both the costs of construction (mostly materials) and the expenses of the camps.

“An Orthodox monastery is the clearest representation of the Kingdom of God on earth that the Church can offer. The very person of a monk or a nun is a sign, in the Biblical sense, that Christ is indeed risen. The ‘other-worldly’ orientation of a monastic is a wordless witness to all who encounter him that this is not all there is. St. Peter's will be the first Orthodox monastery in the State of Montana. Our brotherhood is honored to be involved in this ground-breaking, Kingdom-advancing work.”
- Hieromonk Innocent, Abbot of St. John Monastery, Manton, CA