Prayer to Saint Peter, Chief of the Apostles

Chief Apostle of our God and Savior

Jesus Christ, thou follower of

the Church, most praiseworthy Peter!


We laud and glory thy apostolic

labors, we lovingly commemorate thy

blessed coming to us, we revere thy

honorable sufferings, which thou

didst bear for Christ;


We ask and pray our Lord, God and

Savior Jesus Christ that by thy

prayers, always heard and accepted

by Him, he may grant us sinners all

those things needful unto our



That a monastery named after thy

honor might be established in

Harrison, Montana for the salvation

of the monastics who seek their

repentance therein and for the

salvation of all who visit and sojourn

beneath its spiritual protection.


That as thou, according to the Lord’s

voice, didst promptly leave thy nets

and follow Him unwaveringly, each of

us might seek not that which is his

own, but think rather of the profit of

his neighbor and his higher calling.


And, having thee as a representative

and intercessor, we have hope in thy

prayers, which avail much before our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to

whom belongs all glory, honor and

worship, with the Father and the Holy

Spirit, unto ages of ages.  Amen.



2019 Diocesan Report


Gift of a Royal Stone Cross